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Affiliates Crusher Groove Master Class

Finally Master Groove Pages and Discover that Winning Feeling!


Last Updated: August 2021

This course includes:

  • Indepth Video Lessons

  • Multiple Mind, Strategy & Funnel Maps

  • Free Resources & Software

  • Exclusive Special Bonuses

  • Start Learning



    No matter if you have 5 mins or an hour we have broken the course into easy to follow sections that all link together seemlesly!


    As screens content and updates happen inside Groove We will be updating our videos and content to keep you on the cutting edge!


    No matter what type of business you want to create we will show you how to add on additional income streams to further your online career! 

    The price of this program is increasing soon to $497 as we are adding more content and bonuses


    Take Action Now or Pay More For Less Later

    Let's talk about your Groove Pages Mastery Goals...

    ...because I believe there's something you will read here that will help you achieve them faster and easier then you ever thought possible.

    Not to brag, however through out the years I managed to uncover many things that put my success on auto-pilot.

    Now, obviously I wasn't always known as a Groove Expert... as so many of my fellow Affiliate Site experts like to call me.

    It took some effort.

    There are times when you feel like you hit a brick wall.

    So you are forced to figure out how are you going to get past it...

    You can break it, climb over it, go around it...

    You find the solution and you keep going...

    Just to find the same wall somewhere down the line.

    "But I thought I solved this already!"

    If that sounds familiar, welcome to my world not too long ago.

    For 30 years I felt discouraged because I wasn't able to reach my goals.

    I went through a lot to experience the level of success I enjoy right now.

    I was at the end of my rope, when it hit me:

    "I waste so much time and energy trying to unlock all these "doors" blocking my way to success...."

    This lead me to uncover my Holy Grail, if you will: a "super simple process". The very same thing that helped me get the results I desired...and also helped basically all of my clients get the results they deserved.

    "This is it...make it or break it! If you get this right you'll finally have success in the palm of your hand...

    ...mess this up and you'll never get out of this hole."

    This was the single thought that run through my head.

    I went 100% "Affiliate Site nerd" and a 1000% scientific with it!

    After a while I noticed two things:

    1. In order to experience true Affiliate Site success you need to reduce everything down to just a few key steps.

    This is vital if you ever want to be winning your funnels builds once and for all.

    Just make sure you don't buy into some of the myths out there.

    Here's one that kept me running in place for years: competing against others. Maybe this was something you believed as well.

    Truth be told, it's as wrong as it can be, and this is why this "super simple process" delivers consistent results... throws in the trash all these Affiliate Site myths...

    ...and builds real principles on a solid and proven foundation.

    2. My Affiliate Site progression had completely changed. Yours can too. Where you used to struggle to build awesome sites, you can finally Master Groove Pages...and even create that winning feeling.

    You may know where this is headed:

    My goal was simple: help of as many people just like you taste success.

    All with just the help of an Affiliate Site building program delivering results with the precision of a Swiss-watch...

    ...a program meant to do one thing:

    Do the heavy lifting for you can remain focused on overcoming each obstacle in your path

    The program would have to be a inspirational guide delivered to you immediately

    I had to make sure that even a 7 year old could understand it...

    ...anyone could go through it in just a few minutes...

    ...and experience stellar results.

    And so, Affiliate Crusher came into being

    And it is quickly becoming the most popular Affiliate Site building program around.

    It's 100% based on the "super simple process" I previously mentioned.

    This is basically the secret behind my Affiliate Site success.

    And now you'll get the chance to experience the very same breakthroughs I did...

    ...because I have laid it all out for you in my system.

    We’re also making some outlandish claims:

    One of them would be: "We'll make creating your funnels builds easy as Sunday morning"

    How come I can say that?

    Well, I spent countless hours thoroughly researching everything under the sun to crack the code:

    Truth be told, it took me months to uncover what I did...

    ...and to structure all of that insight into an easy-to-use solution.

    By the end, I’d learned two big lessons:

    The key to creating your funnels builds is to break the whole process into small steps that you can easily follow.

    Get this and you'll understand Affiliate Sites like the back of your hand.

    Not to mention that this is VITAL if you want to see real results both in the short run...and more importantly in the long run.

    This is exactly what I did with my "super simple process"...

    ...and you'll get to discover exactly how it will work for you...

    ...over the next 2 hours... you can finally:

    Crush your Groove Pages Mastery goals!

    Listen, this isn't based on some misguided belief like turning to endless resources on google and reading endless articles for answers or trying to build an entire e-commerce store.

    Affiliate Crusher is built around one core principle:

    Leveraging my best kept secret - "The super simple process" to turbocharge your Groove Pages Mastery so you can experience Affiliate Sites success like never before.

    I used this exact plan myself, and everything about my Affiliate Sites completely changed. I'd gone from what I would refer to as a struggling marketer to the opposite.

    For the first time ever I was making serious progress when it came to Groove Pages Mastery.

    And better yet I was also advising and teaching and even showing other people how to win.

    So many people reached out to me and confessed that they were hitting a brick wall...

    ...because of all of the endless streams of information out there.

    This is why I created Affiliate Crusher...

    So that people like you can cut through all the noise and focus on just one thing.

    And it takes just a few minutes of your time to see results...


    What you have here is a game-changing system designed specifically for men and women of all ages that enables you to achieve real success in record time without spending hours a day or costing you a fortune.

    Everything has been broken down into these easy-to-do parts:

    And the best part?

    You get to see results in as little as 2 days

    I get it:

    The bottom line is that we don’t all have unlimited time, and that’s why this program has been structured with an average of 2 days as a time commitment…that's all.

    Let me ask you this:

    Do you have 2 days to invest in making sure you meet your Affiliate Funnel goals once and for all?

    If your answer is YES...then success is just around the corner.

    I’ve been teaching Affiliate Site building now for over 5 years… and I’m looking for marketers that are willing to put in the hard work and dedication to get the results I know you can achieve.

    And just so you are completely at ease...

    ...this will not be some massive undertaking.

    You'll have me in your corner the whole time...

    ...laying everything out in a simple manner...

    ...showing you exactly what you have to do and for how long.

    Basically you'll have me as your personal Affiliate Site building trainer.


    What's The Alternative?!

    Spinning Your Wheels In Place

    If you’re anything like I was, you can get pretty good at Affiliate Site building by just consuming anything and everything - YouTube videos, books, random masterclasses…

    ...but eventually you’re going to feel “stuck”.

    And it can be frustrating, because what got you to this point, won’t get you any further.

    It's like digging a well with a spoon...

    Sure in the beginning you make some progress...

    The hole you dig gets bigger and bigger...

    However, soon enough you realize that it will take a lot of time and effort to dig the well with just a spoon.

    Now, I bet your smart enough to figure out two things:

    First, creating your funnel builds is a lot like digging a well with a spoon.

    When you first start out, everything you do yields results.

    Eventually, you reach a point where most of the easy wins are gone.

    You now need to go back, and pay attention to detail.

    And that's exactly what Affiliates Crusher is designed to do.

    We’ll take one step at a time, so you can see progress build by build!

    Best part?!

    You don't have to spend more than 2 days on it.

    (And this is not some BS...small, constant wins keep you more motivated than some long approach that may give you some results sometime down the line.)

    Now is the time to take action and put Affiliates Crusher to good use!

    Founder of Affiliate Crusher


    It's all about Groove... In particular Building Funnels with Groove...

    Once you have this training you will be able to build funnels extremely fast and easily... Sell more affiliate products including Groove and the Groove Upgrades.

    Plus... you will get access to other bonuses and an additional series of trainings to help you market your business and to keep you organized... 

    Will you be the next Affiliates Crusher!


    • Anyone with a basic understanding of websites Groove

    • Should have a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or a mobile device

    • Should have access to internet via WiFi or Mobile data

    • Should allow access to a computer to download and save additional files

    • Has a desire to be a Professional Funnels Builder and to earn an awesome income!

    Bonuses Inside

    A Snapshot of Some of Bonuses and Templates... More Inside!

    Course Curriculum

    This is exactly what will be covered in this course

      Module 1: Affiliate Site Building
    • Lesson 1: Domain Names, Hosting and Branding

    • The who, what, when, why and where of domains and hosting. What having a constant message is about and the tools you can use to ensure you have a consistent branding message.

    • Lesson 2: Structure Mapping

    • Having a defined structure of what you intend to build before you start is a critical aspect of affiliate site building and understanding the funnel type you wish to build is essential. Lets map this out :-)


    • Lesson 3: The Groove Dashboard & Site Builds

    • How to access Groove Pages, how to view the templates, how to select a template to build your site on, how to name your template and site, and a few other valuable tips and tricks!

    • Lesson 4: Groove Pages Template Settings & Overview

    • The do's and Don't when setting up templates. Removing sections, configuring blocks and elements and the options they contain.

    • Lesson 5: Hacking Different Templates Together

    • How we can hack any Groove Template and create our very own unique sales funnels and websites with not one line of coding required!

    • Lesson 6: Editing Elements Correctly In Your Templates

    • The nuts and bolts of editing text, buttons, images, and a whole host of things you may not even be aware exist within Groove.

    • Lesson 7: What You Need For A Great Affiliate Site

    • Headers, footers, videos, bonuses and giveaways, where to get them and how to deliver them automatically!

    • Lesson 8: Adding Video To You Groove Pages Templates

    • Be it Affiliate videos, YouTube, Wistia, Vimeo or Groove Video we have you covered. Including uploading and settings inside of the Groove Video platform.

    • Lesson 9: Mobile Fixes - Getting It Right!

    • Having any site set right on Mobile Devices is a crucial aspect of your business... So much traffic comes via mobile devices and in this lesson we show you how to get thing looking sharp and working great!

    • Lesson 1: Creating Offers and Bonuses

    • Why and how to find free and cheap resources to create you offers and bonuses. Why they are important and how they can skyrocket you affiliate commissions.

    • Lesson 2: Adding Offers and Bonuses to Your Pages

    • How, where, when and why to add bonuses to your Affiliate pages. connecting the bonuses to your pages and limiting them to specific offers.

      Module 2: Affiliate Tools
    • Lesson 1: Affiliate Tools

    • Where your tools are located, how to ensure your accessing the correct funnels, why Groove Asia and Groove have different funnels and the one secret trick that very few Groove Affiliates know that can skyrocket sign-ups and sales.

      Module 3: Connecting Domains and Publishing Websites
    • Lesson 1: Setting Up Your Groove Sub Domain

    • How to set up your Groove Sub Domain quickly and easily and why it is so important to do and what the naming conventions are for publising on your Sub Domains!

    • Lesson 2: Connecting Your Domain To Groove

    • How to connect your Custom Domains quickly and easily and where to add in Cname, MX and TXT records when you need too... Don't worry we make this part super easy and painless !

    • Lesson 3: Publishing Your Website

    • Publishing your whole site, just a single page and when and why you need to know the different publishing setting for domain, subdomains and unpblishing content!

      Module 4: Bonuses and Additional Training
    • Lesson 1: Affiliate Link Tool

    • This will save you time and frustration when building and sharing your affiliate sites and promos.

    • Lesson 2: Templates

    • Custom built templates that are fully optimized for all devices. Just switch out your links, add some text and a few images and away you go....

    • Lesson 3: Killer Bot Tactics

    • The best bot software that will cream the competition Plus we show you where to get all the templates you will ever need, how to customise them and how to connect your bots to your Facebook pages ,websites and more to rapidly increase engagement and sales!

      Module 5: Resources and Links
    • Lesson 1: All Links and Resources from The Course

    • This will save you time and frustration when building and sharing your affiliate sites and promos.

      Module 6: The Affiliates Crusher Affilite Program
    • Lesson 1: How to Turn This Course Into A HUGE Income

    • What good would we be teaching you about Affiliate Marketing if we did not do what we say...

      This module will show you how to Crush your goals and earn an income with the Affiliates Crusher Affiliate / JV Program.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

    • Introduction to User Experience Design

    • Write a very short description about the lesson here so that your visitors know what they are going to learn in this lesson.

      I Want To Start The Course Now

    The Number #1 Groove Training, Funnels Building and Affiliate Marketing System

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